Rain Games AS is a Norwegian independent video game developer forged from a cooperative community of local artists and programmers. We are interested in building a world that players can uncover through hints and details scattered within our games.
Peter Wingaard Meldahl
Our dear, all-powerful boss! When he does not run the company he handles game design and storytelling.
Inventing and designing games since he was 12, he loves good stories and bold choices. He took a small break to study physics before going back to his first love and founding Rain Games.
Twitter: @petermeldahl
Discord: Rainypete#8805
Ole Ivar Rudi
Art Director
Does character designs and tries to tie the visuals from the other artists at Rain come together into a nice whole.
Dad jokes enthusiast, with the superpower to make bad puns materialize out of thin air. Likes swimming, sun, cats and old movies.
Twitter: @oleivarrudi
Petter Amland
His main work consists in environment art and building worlds, but he also enjoys programming now and then.
He spends his free time making software, watching movies and eating whatever sweets he comes across.
Twitter: @petteramland
Fredrik Ludvigsen
Our tools programmer, Unity Expert and System Administrator. He is the one who built our bug report system and made it available on the Unity asset store.
Beyond sharing knowledge and progress, his interests range from dancing to board games, and include anything related to math and physics.
Twitter: @fludvigsen_pub