Also... it's cool that you're coming to Bergen :-) Welcome!
Hi all.
Sorry that I have been a little inactive in the last period. At least Fredrik has been keeing an eye on everything,.
I have added CrossFlux, Codepiece, Effusio and Kein to the tester list. You should now all be able to see the tester forum.

On that note; Welcome to Bergen Effusio. Come by the office!
If any of you are ever in Bergen, make sure to swing by and say hi ;-)

I have had both hands in the guts of the game recently. Getting people to do things has been an important part of the game, and I have had to work on making that part both more interesting and easier for people to understand and get into. After a couple of weeks of only thinking about and dreaming about game systems, I have finally cooked something up, but that does leave a period of implementation and internal testing before things are stable again.
Hopefully we should only be a few weeks out from sending out the first test builds though.

Please do leave your email in the tester forum though so that we can make sure that you all get the keys that you will need :-)
Thank you so much, Frederik and Peter.

My worries were only because I was pretty sure I had seen mentions of registering here for testing earlier on, but then all I could find was references to other forms. Coupled with the quiet thread, it got a bit confusing! I definitely understand that it is not yet a priority, and also understand that in the midst of developing a game, answering a few random dudes on the forum might just not be the thing that will get done the fastest Smile

And about Bergen, I will definitely visit you guys once I'm there. For now the plans are a bit confusing - I will definitely go to Norway this year, but seeing as I got offered a job in the Hardangerfjord/Odda area in a hotel for the summer season, I might just have to delay my move to Bergen to next winter... Ideally, if I could get a paid internship in Bergen, I'd go there straight away, but as it is, the money from the summer season will finance the move to the city! Smile

Can't wait to meet you folks and see how a studio like yours moves and works! (And also can't wait to test the game out and help you! ;P)
Hey! If it isn't too late, I'd be interested in helping out with testing, a friend of mine (one of the other testers, Kyjae) told me about Teslagrad and World to the West and I followed along with parts of his playthroughs, which brought me to get Teslagrad the other day and I can't wait to get started playing it! I'd love to help out with Mesmer in any way I can!
Hi TCosmo.

Welcome onboard!
I have added you to testers. You should now be able to see the Beta tester part of the forum.
Please write up your email there so that we will be able to contact you when we are ready to send out Beta keys.
If you're still looking for testers, I'd be happy to help test Mesmer.

I'll start sending out the test build soon. Everybody that's signed up in this thread should have gotten access to the beta tester forums. You'll need to post your email in the thread there so I know to send you the link.

If you've posted here, and you don't have access to that forum, let me know, and I'll fix that for you.

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