Thread subscribing problem
Hi, just for record, I'm trying to subscribe to some threads (like the Linux alpha testing - Welcome, new tester! Read this first) here in the forum using the Subscribe to this thread link and I'm always getting:
Authorization code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again.
Well, I'm logged in (I can read Welcome back, fscherrer. in the page header), otherwise I'd not be able to post this :) and posting a reply to the thread letting Subscribe and receive email notification of new replies checkbox checked works (and the link changes to Unsubscribe from this thread)
I have seen this as well. But Subscribe To This Forum works. Just the subscribe to this thread link below don't.

Some searching on google revealed this. It seems to be a problem in the theme template?
OS: Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit, Windows 8 Pro 64-bit | CPU: Intel Core i7 920 2.66GHz | RAM: 3 x 1GB Corsair XMS 1600MHz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285
(07-13-2013, 19:43)D1G1T4L3CH0 Wrote: I have seen this as well. But Subscribe To This Forum works. Just the subscribe to this thread link below don't.

Some searching on google revealed this. It seems to be a problem in the theme template?

Reportind to the Forum's Lord :). Thank you!

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