Update: We have gathered all the testers needed and are about to start. We'll open new applications in case it's needed, in the meantime, THANK YOU! :D
Short instructions: Write to eduardo@rain-games.com to join the Linux Alpha!
Hey there! One of the things we decided very early on was to bring Teslagrad to as many platforms as we could. Gamers come in lots of different shapes and sizes, with lots of different preferences as to how they want to play their games. Even here at the office we have a lot of different views on gaming. So, of course, a version of Teslagrad for Linux is something we have been wanting to do for a long time, and finally, we have an alpha build ready for testing. So, ready to play on Linux? We'll tell you how.
What's Teslagrad?
Teslagrad is a beautiful non-linear adventure with hand-drawn animations and an undisguised inclination towards magnetism and other electromagnetic forces. Among other awesome stuff, of course. Look!
Where and when will Teslagrad be playable?
Actually Teslagrad will be released this fall for PC Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Playstation 3 and Wii U. Or right now if you want to be a Linux tester!
DO WANT! What should I do?
Please write to eduardo@rain-games.com asking to join the alpha. Please tell us what Linux version do you use and your language!
Hadn't you run a previous alpha?
Yup, for Windows! We can't stress enough that this is all about Linux version for Teslagrad.
OK, I'm in. But would it be hard?
At all! We want you to play the Linux build before anybody does, and eventually send us simple error reports. You shouldn't get a lot of them anyway! Also, we'd love to receive at least a report including a rough outline of the hardware you are playing on, and the general experience of the game. By the way, the bug reporting process, as easy as to press F7 and write a couple lines with a brief description of the issue.
And what if I want to have a more in-depth participation?
That would be fantastic! We've prepared a thread in order to allow communication between team and testers. We are ready!
Of course, every Linux tester will receive a Teslagrad copy for Linux once the final release it's done this fall! You, reach us out at eduardo@rain-games.com! Thanks! :D