Steam trading cards for Teslagrad?
There's this new thing in beta over at steam now:
Maybe we should consider adding this to Teslagrad?
It's a good opportunity to show off more of the art, and the "completionists" will love it
As a full-time nerdy and ex-Magic cards player, I'm afraid I have to approve this. Oh, yes.
I just checked it out. It isn't really a playable set of cards though. you collect sets, and hand them in for rewards. So more like tradable achievements, really.
I think it should be awesome to have Teslagrad cards since the art style of this game is superb, it would fit nicely on them.
There are only two kind of games for me, the fun and the ones that aren´t fun at all.
As I experienced it more deeply the past days I can tell you how it works, you can set a total number of cards for your game, let´s say 8 for Teslagrad, than half of this number you can get by playing the game (they appear on your inventory), the other 4 you can get by trading or buying them from other players, when you get all card drops available for your game (in this case 4 for Teslagrad) you are eligible to get a booster with more cards (I think it´s one every week or something) and you can get other cards, but everything is random. Once you get the 8 cards of the set you can craft a badge that gives xp to level up on Steam along with some goodies like wallpapers, emoticons, discount coupons and so on. One thing I found really interesting is that everytime I sell a card, I pay a fee that includes one percentage of this amount to Steam and other to the game´s developer, so you can earn on every transaction. I think it would be awesome to include this feature on Teslagrad, if you make some awesome arts (and I know olli can do it), the cards will be very wanted and trades will happen, you should really get informed about it since it can be good to you too guys.
There are only two kind of games for me, the fun and the ones that aren´t fun at all.
No support? Store page says only achievements.
We will implement cards soon I think.
That would be nice, heh. And the cards already are there!
(12-14-2013, 22:03)fredrik Wrote: We will implement cards soon I think.

Good to know!
There are only two kind of games for me, the fun and the ones that aren´t fun at all.
So, when will the Steam cards be introduced? :)
I don't know. If I'm lucky, I'll get some time to look at it this month.

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