11-29-2013, 20:49
There were people that develop greenscale vision powers :D
I'm an Amstrad cpc 'fan' (an 8-bit computer I used to have in my childhood). I was lucky to have the colour monitor, but there was a green one.
I'm still trying to know how people could live with it, there were games like this one, were you should memorize in screen 10 the 'random' colour of the diamond, and in screen 36 you have a colour code. You had to choose the one that appeared in screen 10, if you do it bad you get a ticket for a killing screen, else you could continue to screen 37. It was so hard a) to figure you had to choose the colour of the diamond in screen 10 that seems just decorative. b) memorize it 26 screens. c) Choose the proper colour greenscaled :D
For the movement, D-pad for walking left, right, look up/down, A/B - Jump/use item, select-change polarity, start - menu/item selection (glove, cloak, staff) for example.
There's no excuse now!! =D
I'm an Amstrad cpc 'fan' (an 8-bit computer I used to have in my childhood). I was lucky to have the colour monitor, but there was a green one.
I'm still trying to know how people could live with it, there were games like this one, were you should memorize in screen 10 the 'random' colour of the diamond, and in screen 36 you have a colour code. You had to choose the one that appeared in screen 10, if you do it bad you get a ticket for a killing screen, else you could continue to screen 37. It was so hard a) to figure you had to choose the colour of the diamond in screen 10 that seems just decorative. b) memorize it 26 screens. c) Choose the proper colour greenscaled :D
For the movement, D-pad for walking left, right, look up/down, A/B - Jump/use item, select-change polarity, start - menu/item selection (glove, cloak, staff) for example.
There's no excuse now!! =D