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  Exact ACFE CFE-Fraud-Prevention-and-Deterrence Exam Practice Test Questions Answers
Posted by: certsout - 12-28-2020, 08:59 - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Certified Fraud Examiner CFE-Fraud-Prevention-and-Deterrence exam is one of the most popular certification exams in IT industry. A huge number of IT Enterprises sought and they have placed the ACFE CFE-Fraud-Prevention-and-Deterrence certification exam as a qualification for their jobs. That’s why a lot of IT professionals, particularly developers, implementation consultants, technical support personnel, and system administrators are putting a lot of effort to look for the right kind of exam preparation materials for the CFE-Fraud-Prevention-and-Deterrence Certified Fraud Examiner certification exam. In doing so, many of them get lost within the vast jungle of preparation references, books and whatnot. And they are investing their major chunk of time not in the real practice but in searching the appropriate study materials and exam guidelines. So stop wasting your time and effort, and start your real practice from today.

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  Here are a few General Guidelines to Help You Get Prepare ACFE CFE-Investigation Exam
Posted by: certsout - 12-28-2020, 08:57 - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

In general, for any ACFE CFE-Investigation exam and its preparation material, it is essential to know the particular guidelines of it. Ignoring the guidelines for an exam may lead to failure. It can be also witnessed that the ACFE CFE-Investigation exam aspirants undermine the importance of CFE-Investigation exam questions and at other times, the candidates are unaware of proper guidelines. Both these cases lead to poor score generation failure. You, as a Certified Fraud Examiner - Investigation Exam aspirant, definitely want to know proper guidelines for excelling in the ACFE CFE-Investigation exam.

To understand all the guidelines, it is imperative to choose a resource that escorts you to the appropriate track for Certified Fraud Examiner - Investigation Exam success. So, what are you waiting for? Pick ACFE CFE-Investigation offered by DumpsCafe for comprehensive guidelines to Certified Fraud Examiner - Investigation Exam preparation material. It encompasses the entire Do’s and Does not’s required by CFE-Investigation exam questions. While preparing through ACFE CFE-Investigation, the candidate is familiarized with smart strategies and learns to avoid the pitfalls of the Certified Fraud Examiner - Investigation Exam questions.

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  Teslagrad Speedrunning community
Posted by: Peter - 01-10-2019, 14:18 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

To my great joy, there is a Teslagrad speedrunning community. I have checked in there now and again to see how things are progressing.
Once I never though anyone would beat my game faster than me, seeing how much I had to test everything. But now I wouldn't even make the top 10!

There is a great collection of videos, tips & tricks. Older versions of the game that allow for some extra sneakiness (Before we patched that out) and a couple of specially programmed tools to manipulate the game in order to try out what might be theoretically possible. 
It's a deep rabbit hole, but an interesting one :-)

Check them out here: 

Huh... Look at that. 
Someone finally beat MisterJack112
At this point I thought that his record would stand forever. 
He kept beating his own record for years, and no one else got close.
Congrats, Dioxymore.

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  The Teslagrad Wiki
Posted by: Peter - 01-10-2019, 14:10 - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

The community has made a quite amazing Teslagrad Wiki. Seeing that we did the game with silent storytelling, I am impressed by how much the community has unraveled. Though I am happy that I still have some secrets that no one has put together yet. 

If you want to take a look at this amazing thing, here's a link:

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  Welcome Back!
Posted by: Peter - 01-10-2019, 14:07 - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Since we have opened the external Rain forums, we have also revived this old Teslagrad forum. 
It has existed for a long time in a well hidden domain with the creation of new members barred for years. But now we are dusting it off and bringing it to the forefront. 

If you are interested in discussing Teslagrad in any way, then we welcome you. There are several other quite active places for different parts of the discussion online. I will link to some of these in separate threads.

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Information Do you approve hacks of your game ?
Posted by: MetalFox Dioxymore - 07-16-2018, 04:07 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Hello Rain Games !

I'm MetalFox Dioxymore, Teslagrad Sciencist, WttW beta-tester and current WR holder of the Teslagrad Any% category =).

For some monthes, I've been working on a "Training Mod" for Teslagrad that would add features in order to train efficiently the speedrun of Teslagrad and have a better understanding of the game's physics (displaying information on screen, such as the player's coordinates and speed, its blink location/cooldown, the bounds of all GameObjects...).

To do so, I decompile the game's dll, inject my own code (which adds all those features) and recompile the dll. It is a little project that I do during my free time and that I wanted to share with the Teslagrad Speedrunning community once finished, to make the speedrun of the game more accessible. However, somebody told me that it was wrong to do so without the permission of the developers. I just never though my little hack could be harmful, or even to have some importance since it's just a little thing on my desktop, but I understand the concern and it made me think.

So I wanted to ask, what is Rain Games' position about Teslagrad's Modding ? It's a bit late to ask, since I've been working on it for some time, but only one copy of that hack exists for the moment, so I can erase it without problem.

Let me precise some points that are, I think, important :
- The original copy of the game is still needed for the mod to work. It's done only by modifying one dll, I do not (and will never) provide a copy of the game.
- I do not (and will never) get any sort of remuneration from this. I just want to provide a free tool for the speedrunners.

More than the "Training Mod", I ask this question for any type of hack (I was thinking about trying to do custom levels, for exemple). Are you OK with players modifying your game, or is it prohibited ?

~MetalFox Dioxymore

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  Can't finish Teslagrad, game freezes on final boss
Posted by: mariaevinne - 08-08-2017, 12:34 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

The game consistently freezes during the final battle with the king. So far it's happened every time and I can't do anything, I have to force power-down and restart the console. Very frustrating. Anyone aware of a fix for this?

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Bug Questions about the game's logic
Posted by: MetalFox Dioxymore - 02-27-2016, 21:24 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

As I said in the presentation topic, I'm a speedrunner dedicated to glitch hunting =). And, because 20 minutes to finish the game is still too much, I'm still searching some ways to break it ! So I have a lot of questions about how does the game is made, its logic, its algorithms... We sent a french spy to your office last month, but it was not enough =p !

Of course, if the devs doesn't want to answer some, I understand xD. It's basically "explain me how the beat the crap of your baby"...

So, here we go !

I - Rooms loading management

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the game seems to load every rooms that is connected to the actual room, right ? I tested this : if I avoid checkpoints while going to a far room and die there, the game softlocks, because the room of the last checkpoint isn't loaded anymore.

BUT some rooms seems to not load until you activate a certain trigger : the scroll's altar, for exemple. When your are in the bottom of the tower, this room seems to be loaded only if you beat Orb... Is that right ? We tried Out of Bounds, Extended Blink Hitbox, but it seems impossible to reach that room before defeating Orb...

Alternate question : are there other rooms that aren't loaded until your reach some trigger ? And, if yes, what are their triggers ? I think that the "100% ending" is another room like this... I though for a moment that the tower portion at the left of the Oleg's fight room isn't loaded before you beat Oleg, but I'm not sure anymore (maybe the checkpoint is just too far to be reached with Extended Blink Hitbox)...

II - Invisible glitch ?

There is a glitch that is provoked by making a new game from a save in the village, and makes us invisible to enemies, a bit explained here :
Why does the enemies doesn't "sees" us in that configuration ? Does the game considers us elsewhere the whole time ? Is there a "presence hitbox" that does not load properly ?

III - That mysterious fast-climbing

THIS is the video that may show the next major trick... It is quite old (version 1.2) and we don't understand it at all. The game considers the teslakid as "on the ground" all the time, making the animations glitchy and the vine climb super fast. We have spent countless hours to reproduce it, in vain. We don't even know if it has been patched of not... Do you have an idea of what is happening ? How to reproduce it ?

IV - Given character vs Loaded character

The game sometimes reacts differently with the given character (the one that spawns at the very beginning, during the cinematic) and a loaded character (loaded game or after a death). The best exemple is the trials skip, that must be done with precise jumps with the given character (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIHbdUeJN6E), and just by standing on with a loaded character (a strat we use in actual routes, since we skip the intro by quitting and reloading the save). What are the differences between the given character and the loaded one ?

I have a lot of questions still, but 4 are enough for the moment =) !
Thanks for any answer ! I hope I've been clear enough ^^ !

~ MetalFox Dioxymore

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  Stuck at top of tower [PS4]
Posted by: my_soldier - 09-03-2015, 19:02 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

After I beat the third boss I went back up the tower to get all the scrolls. I can't however get back down, because the way where you fell through with the eye is shut off and the electric maze is in the other way cutting off your paths. How do I get down to complete the game?

This game is both frustrating and satisfying btw.

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Tongue Faradeus, Orb...Physics Law as features
Posted by: SquallLion1 - 04-26-2015, 17:18 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

[Image: Faradeus.gif]
Faradeus :

it's from the Faraday cage.
cool feature.
but a efficient cage need... a link to the ground..
of course, a boss with a link.... doesn't fit the gameplay

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]
is it looks like a engine motor?

[Image: Teslagrad-HamsterWheel-Thumb.png]
the 'steel wheel'
it looks like... a speaker, right?
more, there is the 'music' (bass)...

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