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To my great joy, there is a Teslagrad speedrunning community. I have checked in there now and again to see how things are progressing.
Once I never though anyone would beat my game faster than me, seeing how much I had to test everything. But now I wouldn't even make the top 10!

There is a great collection of videos, tips & tricks. Older versions of the game that allow for some extra sneakiness (Before we patched that out) and a couple of specially programmed tools to manipulate the game in order to try out what might be theoretically possible. 
It's a deep rabbit hole, but an interesting one :-)

Check them out here: 

Huh... Look at that. 
Someone finally beat MisterJack112
At this point I thought that his record would stand forever. 
He kept beating his own record for years, and no one else got close.
Congrats, Dioxymore.
Join us on the discord channel too! Rain games speedrunning also link is on speedrun.com
Have you guys uploaded any of your speedruns to Youtube btw?
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