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I've created a wiki for the game...

Ok I know for a game like this, there's really not much need for a wiki. But for names of enemies, objects, items, abilities, etc it could be useful. I also thought about adding a section for strategies for speedruns and such, there seems to be a good discussion on the forum about that already. Maybe some of those users will contribute to that.

I may not actually add a lot of content to it myself, but I'm happy to moderate it at least and get a few basics added. I've put it up on Wikia since the host has a really good up-time compared to my own server, and it's easy to use for newcomers of wiki editing.

Please feel free to edit it and add content however you see fit. Right now it just has a very basic new wiki look.

Here's the URL to it: http://teslagrad.wikia.com

Hope this is well received. :)

Question about media usage on the wiki... Is it permitted to use the art from the art dump, images from the blog, the game logo (for wiki title), and other media such as videos on the wiki? I think it would look much better with at least a good background image and game logo at the top.

Of course in addition to this question, I would like to point out that even if media usage is allowed, testers should not be posting information or media from the alpha/beta. Maybe I should make a note about this on the wiki.
Will love to see the gaps being filled :D.
Awesome! I'll try to fill in some gaps when I have the time.
Hey guys, is it ok to use images found on the forum, blog, and game on the wiki? I would really like to add the game logo to the top and some other things like enemy images. If so, do you have a good logo to use? The only one I know of is the forum one and it has "forum" on it, unless I take a screenshot from the game. Also, do you guys have any place I can get information to populate the wiki with? I've seen some info on the blog, but it's not really a lot and I don't want to just copy/paste it since it's technically copyrighted.

that would be ok :) Here is a png wich should be useable.

Awesome. Thanks for that. I'll try to get that up on there today.
this is really cool, there's lots of world building that we're not mentioning explicitly in the game, which might find a new home here:)
Here's an image of a magnetflie:
I can supply some names for this.

Fernus (Oven)
Faradeus (Bird)
Oleg (Old man)
Geurickes Orb (Giant eye)
The King (Purposefully unnamed)

Grue (Black beast)
Magnetfly (Glowing magnetic firefly)
Volt Walker (Walking red or blue robot that gives of a charge)
Iron Lice (Metal plated creature that can be given a magnetic charge)
Red/Blue Power Plant (Plants that give magnetic charge)
Teslamansers (Members of the family of Tesla and their students)
Electropia (The country where the story takes place)
Teslagrad (The capital of Electropia)
Storm Palace (The kings palace. Like the Russian winter palace, but with less winter and more rain and lightning.)
Tesla Tower (The tower that was the home of the Teslamancers.)

The powers:
Magnet Glove
Blink Boots
Magnetic Cloak
(09-03-2013, 12:07)olli Wrote: [ -> ]this is really cool, there's lots of world building that we're not mentioning explicitly in the game, which might find a new home here:)
That would be nice to see. I've read some of what little is posted on the blog.

(09-03-2013, 12:48)Peter Wrote: [ -> ]I can supply some names for this.
Thanks a lot Peter. I've added basically placeholder pages for all of those with basic descriptions.

Some questions...
Isn't "Iron Lice" supposed to be "Iron Louse"?
What about this guy? http://teslagrad.wikia.com/wiki/File:ROBOTWALK-HD.gif I didn't see him listed in that list.
What is the name of those charge funnels, the funnels of charged particles/waves? I had to refer to them in a description and realized I don't know their name. heh.
Correct, it's Iron Louse. Iron Lice is the plural form.

Additionally, it should be Teslamancers instead of Teslamansers.

Quote:What is the name of those charge funnels, the funnels of charged particles/waves? I had to refer to them in a description and realized I don't know their name. heh.
We just call them fields.
Dad has no name? Just "Dad"?
(I always thought either he is Nicola or the Boy)
Haha yeah. Good question.
I agree, it IS a good question!

Very nice Wiki, well organized!
There's a pretty big inconsistency here with Electropia/Elektropia. EXPLANATIONS PLS!
Electropia is the English version and Elektropia is the Electropian version, I think.
Hey guys. Since I'm not going to be online for a bit and the release is coming soon, I'm thinking maybe the Wiki needs another administrator or more. I'm thinking it might be good if some of the Rain Games team members actually had admin access to do whatever is needed. But really anyone who wants to help keep it updated would be alright with me.

Just give me a reply on here, I check the forum daily. Or if you want, you could PM me. I'll be available until the 30th.
Also I'm available on Steam. Same name as here. But please contact me an the forum first or I may ignore the request.
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