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this is where we post various doodles and art from teslagrad!

i'll kick it off with a piece of rain/Krillbite comradery artwork (their awesome sound guy is also our awesome sound guy)
Military parade.
[Image: reflection_animationgif.gif~original]
some new artwork
[Image: nikolaianimtest-1.gif]

early test animation for Nikolai, the leader of the king's guard

[Image: runningslide720b.gif]

old proof of concept vid for the visual style of the game. we dropped the running slide move once we realized that short range teleports were much more fun.

[Image: hovedperson-bukseseler-variants.jpg]

some preproduction artwork of potential equipment progression, from before we had locked down the kid's look and abilities completely.

[Image: teslatower-inggang-konseptanimasjon-lo.gif]
Tesla Tower started out more metallic sci-fi-ish, but we decided it should be built on top of older structures along the way
A mechanic bird bringing exciting news
Gruesome grues gruing around.
working on layout for ingame collectible cards that will give away some info about the world it takes place in
I say your artwork is awesome olli, congratulations!
thank you very much!

here's some new bg artwork, a PR statue of the king with happy children (it would be nice to add a fountain of gold coins from his palm to theirs here, we'll se if that makes it in)

[Image: kingstatueimage_forum.png~original]

linux-themed desktop bg:)

comparison between early concept art and alpha screen:

[Image: concept_alpha_comparison.png~original]

comparison between early concept art and alpha screen:
picking up a late-level power-up
sprite optimization for super low resolutions
awesome!!!! i think that`s officially out first fanart:D
Wow. I love the reinterpretation of the art :-).
I will take this one to Facebook.
Loved that! Taken to twitter too <3
[Image: runampchase.gif]

[Image: transformingportraitb.gif]
here's the concept art for the very earliest parts of the tower. note that the field/voltwalker tutorial room is missing!
a very, early version of the main character, the king and the tower
the sketch that was the starting point for faradeus, the bird boss, a type of guardian that is left on the cutting room floor as we moved away from combat situations(i still like the design though) and another early design for the main character.
early, more flash gordon-inspired concepts for the king, followed by the sketch that lead to his current design
Awesome stuff Olli! :D I love to see this sort of thing. It's great. Makes me love the game even more.
thanks man! early concept art for the city and soldiers
screen from the very earliest playable prototype, two years ago... it looks like thomas was alone
early on, we were going to do the game in 320x240 resolution with pixel art, we made a single test chamber in that style. note the basic placeholder art for the character
Wow. So glad you guys went with higher resolution. :)

Also, I hope you guys don't mind, I used a small part of one of the above images in my avatar for the forum. Just let me know if you do, I'll change it back.
no problem, go ahead and use it!:)
(07-25-2013, 13:07)D1G1T4L3CH0 Wrote: [ -> ]Wow. So glad you guys went with higher resolution. :)

So do I! :)
And I am glad that Olli started this thread. It enhances our testing experience!
I have a question. The glove is always supposed to be on the character's left hand right? Then why is it on his right hand in this image (I forgot now where the image came from, but I believe somewhere on this forum)?
Also, I noticed in one image above, it looks as if he has two differently colored gloves on... Is it the intention that he should be wearing a glove for positive and a glove for negative?
Good question!
As far as I know, this image is unique, and the character always wears the glove on his left hand.
We have noticed the mirroring of the image a while ago, but decided to keep it.
Don't worry. You're simply watching a reflection, or at least that's our excuse for the compositional choice.
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